
December 31, 2006

Our Top 5 Moments of 2006

With 2006 coming to an end, we wanted to reflect on our Top 5 moments of the year. It has truly been a wonderful year- we both got great new jobs, we were able to spend a couple of weekends in our favorite Texas getaways, and we watched our circle of friends expand even more. We feel truly blessed to have such a full life and thank you all for joining us in a fantastic year. We hope 2007 brings you all you are hoping for!

#5- Traveling to Lubbock- to our first apartment together, our first full time jobs, our first home together, our campus. Unfortunately, we also discovered how much Lubbock has changed. Our beloved Hoots Bagels is now Talbot's Petites. Although I love Talbots, I was saddened to see it.

Here is a picture of us on the Tech campus.

#4- Finding new jobs! Both Marcus and I searched for new jobs in 2007 and feel very fortunate to have found the right positions. Marcus' team at Avnet is so amazing. They are all great friends, work together really well and are led by a darn cool boss. Because of their great relationships, they have had a successful 2006 and are looking to great things in 2007.

Katie (who left in June), Keith, Marcus, John, Marlena and Ed at dinner.

Marlena, Keith, John, Marcus and Deanna (who replaced Katie).

My new position at Keller Williams is the challenge I was looking for. I work more hours, sit in more meetings in 8 hours than I did in 5 days, but I also do it for a truly special company. They believe in God, family and then business. I look forward to learning even more about corporate life in 2007.

#3- Our fun-filled anniversary trip to Dallas. We spent a long July weekend in Dallas to celebrate 7 years of marriage. Friday night was spent in concert with Faith Hill and Tim McGraw. We love watching them! Saturday we spent the day at Six Flags and the evening at the Six Flags pavilion enjoying Jeremy Camp and Steven Curtis Chapman. Christian concerts are like no other- they truly move me! Finally, Sunday, Marcus rode along side a professional race car driver at Texas Motor Speedway. Although it looked scary, Marcus assures me it was lots of fun!

A famous long-armed shot from the Six Flags parking lot. Note, we did not partake of the mammoth coaster behind us.

Marcus in his passenger gear standing by his #40 car.

#2- Great Hills' Fall Festival with Kyleigh, Cohen and a juggler! We love taking Kyleigh and Cohen to our church's fall festival. They get to run around in a safe environment, play on the rides, jump in big bouncy houses and get candy! The fall festival also features a juggler we all love. Marcus added to his bag of tricks with glow in the dark balls this year.

Grrr! Cohen is a cute little pirate. Kyleigh cheered for the home team as a Longhorn cheerleader.
The glow in the dark balls looked much cooler in person. Sorry!

#1- Celebrating my 30th Birthday among so many friends and family! Marcus and my cousin Kristi planned a super 30th birthday for me. They decorated, created a video of my first 30 years (to Tim McGraw music, even!), and coordinated a wonderful charm bracelet of crosses from many of my friends and family. I love my bracelet and the special day!

Happy 2007 to all!

Anna J.

December 30, 2006

Another Texas School Tastes Victory!

Congratulations to UT for pulling out a win over the Iowa Hawkeyes. It wasn't looking good there for quite some time, but Colt McCoy pulled it out.

Although Marcus doesn't ever cheer for UT, he does like seeing a West Texan succeed. Colt is from a little town (Tuscola) near a medium town (Abilene) that Marcus' little town (Merkel) is near. He is putting their little area on the map, or on ESPN at least!
Anna J.

December 29, 2006

How to Kill a Gopher

Great hunters will tell you some of the best ways to kill a gopher- drown them, trap them or poison them. But in Tempe, Arizona, Tech fans will tell you the best way to kill a gopher is to kick it.... from 52 yards.

We'll admit we were scared. How could Tech come back from 31 points down when their defense couldn't stop a single gopher? Coach Leach at halftime must have told them to "Go-Pher" It, because they came back to set the NCAA bowl record for the greatest comeback.

We're proud of the red and black!

December 28, 2006

Zee cheers for the double T

Hey folks...this here is Mackenzie Page. Mackenzie, or 'Zee' is a happy little kiddo, and got to spend some time this afternoon with us.
Now Zee's daddy Bill is a big time aTm fan. Bill and I have been buddies since second grade, and I'd like to think had no problem trusting me with his daughter.

However I thought that the ags might not be doing so well in the Holiday bowl today (to Anna's shagrin), so we decided to enlist her to be a fan for another Big 12 school....

It was Zee's idea to get dolled up in the Red and Black of the Red Raiders to cheer on TTU to victory in the Insight bowl on the 29th.

She almost got the Guns Up sign down pat......Mom and Dad need to bring her over more so she can continue to practice....and then there's the word to the Raider fight song for her to learn...when she's ready to start talking.

Thanks Bill and Kay for letting us spend some time with Zee for the afternoon!

Marcus J.

That Horse in Lubbock

Today is the beginning of football overload! The bowl season is really upon us now. It is rare day when I will cheer for the maroon and white - Texas A&M. Marcus has chosen Cal in our Bowl Series picks, but I have faith in the Aggies.... just this once.
You see being a Red Raider means that you can't cheer for Texas A&M. It goes back many many years. When this horse was first placed in the circle on campus it wasn't just randomly placed. Oh no, this is the view when you enter campus. What a beautiful tribute to the ranching industry in Texas.

And, this is the view from College Station, home of Texas A&M. The founders of Tech disliked those Aggies even more! So, for today, I say Gig 'Em. Marcus is sticking with Sic 'Em Bears, Go Cal!

December 27, 2006

A Very Merry Christmas

We had a Very Merry Christmas in 2006 and a little birthday party for Cohen!

Here are a number of family pictures as we celebrated the holidays. We celebrated with Kyleigh's Christmas program where she sang her little heart out, at TJ's house, and then Saturday night with Dad, Jacque, and Carol!

Thank you to Carol for driving all the way to Austin to drive to San Marcos to see the kids and to TJ and Tiffany for hosting.

Happy 2nd Birthday Coco Bean!

Cohen was happy most of the night, except when we ran out of presents for him to open! Here he is being contained with Granpa.

Kyleigh loved everyone watching her open presents. She is hanging out with Jacque while checking out her goodie bag. I think I see "Cars" in the bag.

Marcus, Anna and Mom at her house on Friday night.

Tiffany, Kyleigh, Cohen and Shaun at Mom's house.

Cohen and Kyleigh are all smiles and full of energy after chocolate chip ice cream cookie sandiwches to celebrate Cohen's 2nd birthday.