
January 01, 2007

The Best of Both Worlds

We had a wonderful New Year's Eve with some friends. Marcus designed it as the best of both worlds.... a fun evening out and a game night in our comfy clothes.

Here we are at dinner at Cool River. We all enjoyed yummy steaks, seafood and chicken. Luckily we had reservations for an early dinner because the crowd was crazy by the time we left. Pictured left to back and around are: Natalie and Mitch Gumpl, Mo and Jessica Trejo, Jason Walker (Jessica's brother and a fellow Bronco fan!), Me and Marcus, and Carrie and Brian Betzen.

Now, back at the house! We all changed into jeans or pajama pants and played Texas Hold 'Em. Thanks Carrie and Brian for bringing the millions of dollars for us to play with :)

Carrie and Jessica and I ringing in the New Year with our sparkling apple cider and noise makers.

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