
January 21, 2007

The Birthday Train Rolls on!

Happy Birthday wishes to Shaun, our brother-in-law and Kyleigh and Cohen's daddy. To celebrate, Tiffany and Shaun spent the weekend in Louisiana gambling. That meant K&C spent the weekend with my Mom and we got to see them!

After church we went to Pokejo's BBQ for lunch. Kyleigh's bright colored poncho was a Christmas present this year. See the super easy online pattern at

This Sunday was extra special as it was Cohen's first Sunday to be left in his own classroom.... although he was a little scared to let go of "Nanny" (my Mom), he ended up doing great. He told us all about his snack and toys.

Coco and Kyleigh love the train at Pokejos. Today, Rudolph was the train engineer and his favorite snowman was a passenger!

Happy Birthday Shaun- thanks for sharing the kids with us!

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