
January 07, 2007


While Marcus and I were in church this morning, someone broke into Marcus' car.... IN A CHURCH PARKING LOT! Who does that? While we were learning how to incorporate God into stressful situations (HELLO!), they were rummaging through our stuff.

Luckily, our insurance, bank and credit card companies will be covering all of the fraudulent charges placed on our cards. Tires, they bought tires!

Here is the funny part- one of the items they stole was a small leather notepad holder that Marcus uses for work. Inside that notepad was a F.A.I.T.H. summary. F.A.I.T.H. is a program that Marcus went through at church. It is a tool and presentation used to witness to people.

We hope these theives look at the card and learn that:

F- is for forgiveness. Christ came for us so that we may have forgiveness from sin.

A- is for available. He is available to all.

I- is for Impossible. It is impossible for God to allow sin into Heaven.

T- is for Turn. Go away from the path you are on and follow in the path of Jesus.

H- is for Heaven, both in the afterlife and here on Earth.

Luckily, Marcus doesn't need the card and they do!


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