
January 14, 2007

Football Sunday

Well, The lousy weather conditions continue...and while I had a great day planned of doing tons of yard work, errands, and things of that sort, I was forced instead to a day of napping, and watching football....

Speaking of football, this is about the time when you look back to four months ago and review the things that were heard and said at the beginning of the season...and just see if it turned out like everyone thought...and get your story straight.

Some of the things...

"Steelers won't even miss Randel El, or Bettis. I smell repeat."

"After Drew Brees' injury, and they have that Reggie Bush kid, I give the Saints two wins all season."

"Favre? Heck, he has five more years."

"The Cowboys have Bledsoe, TO, and Vanderjagt as kicker....come on. They'll be at the Super Bowl with that team..."
"Rex Grossman...ha. He'll be on the bench by week 3, and Griese will be the Bears starter."

"Vince Young's style of play will never be successful in the NFL, and Bush is too small to be tough enough....Houston may have been smart to pick Mario Williams in the draft..."

"This is Eli's year to outplay big brother Payton."

"Titan's were smart to get rid of Steve McNair...he is done for..."
"Romo? Who the heck is Romo?"
"The Dolphins finally got a stable QB with Culpepper, and a good coaching staff for the next few years. This should be a great year for the Dolphins."

"and if Bama doesn't work, I'm going to UT in two years.."

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