
January 16, 2007

Winter Wonderland II

Yea! We got another snow day!

Although I like being home and working in my pajamas is not bad, I'm going a little stir crazy! Why doesn't Starbucks deliver? And, Hobby Lobby? I could be scrapbooking, but I'm out of those little sticky squares..... I need those sticky squares!

The rain turned to ice and the ice has turned to snow! This is the third day we have captured the weather on the back porch. Each day is felt a little colder when I swung open the screen door. Brrr!

The back woods look so cold! I'm not going out there for nothin'!

This is the view (from my scrapbook studio) of my neighbor's roof with snow. This window faces north/west, so it seems to have the most action. I can hear the ice trickling onto the window regularly.

Jean Grey does not seem to notice anything different about the day. Get up mid morning, eat breakfast, go back to sleep, get up mid afternoon, eat, move from bed to couch, sleep. Wait for dinner time.

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