
February 18, 2007

Dinner, Take Two

We finally celebrated Valentine's Day Saturday night. It was so depressing to be in Las Vegas on Wednesday. We actually finished early that night, around 7:00 PM. My roommate Brandi and I went back to our room and ordered cheeseburgers and watched a movie. Only, our food took 2 hours and we fell asleep during the first 30 minutes of the movie. Not what we had planned!

So, Saturday night was our night to celebrate! We had decided to try out Fonda San Miguel, known in Austin for the best interior Mexican food and yummy drink. It is said to be a beautiful restaurant with fountains, art, and original saltillo tile. Everyone else in Austin knows this as well. The wait at 6:30 PM was 2 hours and we just couldn't stand that long, so we hopped in the car and left.

Our second choice was Houston's, a steakhouse nearby with big over-the-top salads. They had an hour wait, but we put our name on the list and walked around the nearby shops to kill time. When our name was finally called we were happy to sit at a nice table and enjoy the peace and quiet.

Our waiter so nicely agreed to take our picture. Here it is:

1 comment:

  1. Houston's is way better than Fonda's, over priced, over stuffy, and who can pass up cheesy hot dog buns???
