
March 07, 2007

Not Such a Pretty Picture

This looks pretty, but oh no it is not pretty! It is the FLU!

Little Miss Kyleigh gave me the flu! I've been home for 2 days now with a nasty cough, a runny nose and a voice that alternates between a growling monster and a young boy experiencing puberty. I think the worst of it is behind me and I hope to be normal tomorrow morning.

I do have to say that Marcus is the best doctor in all the land. He has made drink runs for me, offered to go get liquid Nyquil at 3:00 AM when I couldn't swallow the pills, and even worked from home so that I could have his round the clock care. I'm a lucky girl!


1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry you have the flu. I had it last week. Not fun. I'm so glad you have such a great nurse-maid. I hope you feel better soon!!
    Big hugs from the Big D,
