
April 01, 2007

2006 Scrappy Awards

I love to scrapbook. My system is to complete a book for each calendar year. Tonight, I completed the 2006 scrapbook. It consists of every day adventures, little weekend get aways and special times with Kyleigh and Cohen.

At the end of each year, Marcus and I stop and go through the book- not to reminesce or reflect on our year, but to count the major players and determine the annual scrappy winner.

Past winners have included Marcus (2004) and Marcus (2005). In 2005, he won by a narrow margin over the 2006 Scrappy Award Winner..... Kyleigh!

Those of you who spend any time with me know how much time I spend with my niece and how important she is in my life. (It should also be said that I love my nephew and he is just as important) For those quantitative people out there, she appears in the book 44 times. Marcus and I tied for second and Cohen followed in a close 3rd place.

Congratulations on your esteemed award Miss Kyleigh! Uncle Marcus is jealous and plans to reclaim his award in 2007. Watch out! :)


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