
April 12, 2007

While the wife's away....

Currently Anna is out this week on a trip to Denver and Ohio.....while she is out, I have been dedicating my time to the land of Azeroth. That's right...I'm a geek...a World of Warcraft geek.
So WoW is a mega huge server based game, where people interact as one of two factions, the Alliance or the Horde. I happen to play as a member of the Horde...either an Undead Mage, or a Tauren Hunter.

You see, the Alliance consists of the races, human, gnome, dwarf, and Night Elf.
They have begun to battle with the races of the Horde, the Tauren, the Undead, the trolls, and the blood elves.

Now, the World of Warcraft game has a large amount of quests, interaction with ingame characters (called mobs) and other players. Most other players that are not of my faction, the Alliance, are out to kill me when I'm not looking (called ganking). As a mage, I'm easy to kill. as a hunter, not so much.

So my mage is leveled as high as she can be, level 70. My hunter is still growing, level 49 of 70. Long way to go. But the journey is a fun part. Currently I am in the fantastic land of Feralas...a lush wilderness. I am spending tonight getting down to the Un'goro Crater....a dangerous place....

But lots to be won there! For the Horde!

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