
June 01, 2007

And a few of my favorite things...

I LOVED Chicago! It was a whirlwind 5 days, but I think we did a good job getting around the city to see everything we wanted to. In order for that to happen, we took 7 different modes of transportation... plane, shuttle, cab, bus, train, subway, and boat. However, my very favorite thing was easily accessbile by FOOT...

This is the shoe department at Nordstroms, located just across the street from our hotel. The entire store was 4 floors of yumminess! I spend most time in the largest shoe department I've ever seen. I ended up buying 3 pairs from the store- bronze ballet slippers, pink camo Mary Jane Crocs, and a pair of sandals with browns, celery green and peach. Other super sized stores included a 7-story Macy's, 4 story Crate and Barrel, 4 story Banana Republic, and a really big Niketown.

Another great thing on the Magnificent Mile was our hotel. A housing contact of mine got us a great deal at the Intercontinenal Hotel on Michigan Avenue. It is a historic hotel that was a men's club (athletic, not strippers) in the 1920's. It had a hall of lions, ornate ceilings and columns and a great corner room just for us!

Sunday night we went to Navy Pier for the Memorial Day fireworks. They were super cool with fireworks shapes and colors I have never seen before. I also convinced Marcus to ride the 150 foot tall ferris wheel. We rode it just as the sun was sitting and took some great pictures of the skyline.

Millenium Park was this really hip park in downtown Chicago. There was art of all different forms and beuatiful gardens with the skyline on one side and Lake Michigan on the other. The fountain above was by far our favorite. It was like a series of small televisions that united to make a face. The screens would change so that the face would smile at you. After a cheeky grin, the "man" would open his mouth and spray all the people below with water. Lots of kids were screaming in delight!

A final favorite was WICKED! We saw this highly acclaimed musical at the famed Oriental Theatre. It is the story of the Wizard of Oz as told by Glenda the Good Witch and tells you of all the things that happened in Oz before Dorothy arrives. We had great seats for a great show.

I highly recommend Chicago as a vacation destination. It was educational, relaxing and entertaining.


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