
June 17, 2007

Meeting Mr. William Lane Townley

I had to go to San Antonio on Friday night for a work-related banquet and got to add a weekend of fun on top!

I spent the weekend with Katy, one of my college girlfriends and finally got to meet her new son- Will. He is a cutey that gives the biggest "gummy" smile I've ever seen. His whole face smiles!

Katy had to work Saturday morning, so I popped over to the biggest and baddest (in a good way) scrapbook store in all the land- Scrapbook Heaven.

Check out the aisles and aisles of paper, ribbons, stickers, rub ons and embellishments! I love Scrapbook Heaven!

Saturday afternoon, our college friends Chandra and Alison drove in for pedicures, shopping and dinner. It was lots of fun! Billye and Danni, we wish you lived closer!

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