
July 30, 2007

Celebrating Eight Years!

Tomorrow, Marcus and I have been married for eight wonderful years! Because we have bible study on Tuesday nights and I have to work out to make my 10 mile goal, we celebrated a night early.

He came home from work with these pretty flowers. We had fun cutting them down and arranging them.

WARNING: Do no smell them too close! It will leave brown powder on your nose. When you wipe the brown off, it smears to yellow all over. It wasn't pretty!

After cleaning off our faces, we went downtown to have dinner at Bess. It is a newer restaurant on 6th owned by Sandra Bullcok.

We shared the avacado dip with pita wedges and cinnamon bread pudding for dessert. For dinner, I had the lasagna and Marcus had the spinach salad with a fried egg on top and pork chops with sour apples and cherry compote. It was all very delicious!

As is our annual tradition, we took a picture with 8 fingers up showing the number of years we have been married. We have a picture like this for every year of our marriage framed in our bedroom. It is neat to celebrate successes like anniversaries. Marriage is hard work, but I would not trade my husband for the world.

Here is the picture last year when we celebrated our 7th anniversary. I was stuck in a hotel that night working an event, but Marcus was able to come up and visit me for dinner.

Here is to many more wonderful anniversry dinners and happy years together!


  1. Congrats!

    We're on 8 years too! I always stop and say, "Hun, can you believe we've been married 8 years?" I think he's tired of me saying that. Soon, it will be nine years, and I'll start all over again!

  2. and of course, my pinky finger is just fine, though it looks weird in the picture. I will be ready to display nine, and even ten.
