
July 14, 2007

I'm Running the Rock

My girlefriend Billye sent out a prayer request and call to action for her friends Reagan, Katie and their unborn child. After waiting and waiting and praying for their new baby, R & K recently found out their child will be born without hands and feet. Their faith and love and concern for their unborn child is moving. Read more about them on their blog- Reagan, Katie and Baby.

In the sea of doctors they have seen in the last few weeks, their experience at Scottish Rite Hospital in Dallas stood out. Three things I did not know:
1. Scottish Rite is a FREE pediatric orthopedic hospital. Free to any child in Texas.
2. It can never be more than 4 stories tall so that it does not intimidate a child. They will build stories underground, but not more than 4 above ground.
3. It must always smell like popcorn!

To support Katie and her baby, I have agreed to join Billye and her friends on a marathon team to support Scottish Rite hospital. We will run "The Rock" together in Dallas on December 9. My part will be a little over 5 miles. A big feat for my big butt!

Please pray for Reagan, Katie and their baby! Pray for the other parents and children that know the world of pediatric orthopedics! Pray for our relay team that we may show our love and support of these families through our blood, sweat and tears!

- Anna


  1. I am so proud of you, if you ever want to run/walk on Saturday mornings let me know. The girls love to get pushed in the stroller and I love to have a walking buddy!
    and yes I will be praying too!

  2. This is too neat!! We'll be adding the baby to our prayer list!!
