
July 15, 2007

Rock Relay Workouts Begin!

Okay, I'm officially in this. I am doing "The Rock" marathon relay. I bought new workout clothes and joined the gym this weekend.

Buying new workout clothes is just a pain.... how much do you really want to spend on workout clothes. I always want to look cute. But, this sweaty girl with her face bright red, hair pulled back and makeup removed can only look so cute. The clothes will only do so much. On top of that, I could not be more white. It is the middle of summer and I have the working girls tan, or lack thereof. Hopefully everyone at the gym can see that I have style through my cute shorts and fun colored t-shirts!

More humiliating the buying the clothes, is being interviewed by the young gym sales guy. He asked questions like, "What is your weight loss goal?" and "Have you ever been at your ideal weight?". Or, how about "do you plan to change your eating habits as well?". I have never wanted to go workout so bad. Let's get the interview over with. I am here to workout and not discuss it with you! I was a fat kid for goodness sake!

I'm glad that part is over with! Keep track of my progress on the ticker. I hope to increase my miles each month until the marathon relay doesn't seem so far. Marcus also plans to join us. He'll be running the Half Marathon while the girls and I relay it.


1 comment:

  1. Anna, there are many reasons I love you but this is the best one! You are full tilt or nothing at all! Only you would worry about fashion form day one! Let's get started!! Billye
