
August 01, 2007

July Fitness Goal Met, On To August

When I decided to do the marathon relay for Katie's baby 3 weeks ago, I joined the gym and set the goal to complete 10 miles of walking, running or biking in the remaining 2 weeks of July!

Last night, I met my goal! I officially ran/walked/biked 12 miles! Most of that was spent on the treadmill where I discovered running feels better on my shins that walking, but walking sure does feel better on the lungs! Biking is fun, until the tension shoots up and then it takes everything I've got to move the pedals. I've also learned that my ipod needs better workout music.

This month, I have a big event and will spend 6 days in a hotel working 16 hours per day. Needless to say, I will not be going to the gym that week! So, my goal is to workout 3 times per week the remaininder of the month. That makes the ticker goal 11 workouts. Wish me luck!

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