
September 09, 2007

CASA 5K Completed

This morning Marcus and I ran/walked the CASA 5K. It was a tough morning- very early, hot, and incredibly humid! We were sweating just stretching and walking from the car!
My goal was under 50 minutes. Last month on the treadmill I completed the 5K in 52. I ended up completing the race at about 49 minutes. Although encouraged, I recognize the Marathon Relay is just 3 months away and I have to improve to have a respectable 5.5 mile time! I also need to get better equipment- dry fit shirt, taller socks (blisters!) and something to assist my aching shins!
Marcus wanted to complete the race in 25 minutes. He came really close! The humidity also killed him. He definetely enjoyed the water balloons from the kids post-race.
Our next 5K is next month! Here's hoping we can improve our times!

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