
October 27, 2007

2007 GHBC Fall Fest

Friday night was Fall Fest at our church. It is always lots of fun to run around with Kyleigh, Cohen and our friends' kids while Marcus wows the crowds with his mad juggling skills.

This year, Coco was a monkey, Kyleigh was a punk rockers and I was Tinkerbell, although you can barely see my cool shirt.

All of the girls attacked "Marcus the Juggler" when he took a break. Here he is with Alexis, Kayla, Brookley and Kyleigh.

Cohen was a brave little monkey and climbed high up the stairs to slide down the big kid slide. Kyleigh kept telling us that Cohen was to small to do the stairs (she remembers me carrying her up those stairs just a few years ago!).

He made it and as soon as he slid down proclaimed, "I made it up the stairs!". Gotta love the determination!

Here is Kyleigh taking her annual picture with Alexis this year....

And, here they are last year.

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