
November 24, 2007

Mistake at the Lake

Since we are just two weeks out from The Rock, I jumped at the chance to meet up with a former KW co-worker at run the Shake a Leg at the Lake 5K this morning.

WRONG! I was so wrong for agreeing to run this race. It is now known as the "Mistake at the Lake", according to Matt and Caroline.

Here is Caroline and I before the race. I can guarantee you if she had not showed up, Marcus and I would have gone back home and right back to bed.

Can you guess why it was so wrong? Look closely, yes it is wet and yes it is cold. It was 40 and raining! The wind chill made is more like 35! And, land near a lake is normally not flat!

It was a small race to begin with and the weather made it a tiny race- maybe 50 people ran the whole thing!

Here is Marcus and I post race. What you can't see if how very wet we are. The first mile had rain coming straight into your face. Marcus and I ran with one eye shut! The entire third mile was up hill- I don't remember mile one being downhill!

Plus, the wetness made my cotton yoga pants so heavy that they stretched out. When I started the race, they were out my ankles and they grew to the point that they covered my shoes and lapped over my toes. I was a vision of "beauty and grace" as Marcus would say.

A big shout out to Caroline for completing her first 5K. She even won second place for her age group!

And, Matt for deciding at the last minute that he'd rather run the race than stand in the cold and wait around. He ran a very respectable time for a last second decision.

They will only get warmer and flatter from here!

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