
November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving Times Two

We are so blessed or crazy, depending upon how you look at it that we ate two large Thanksgiving meals on Thursday!

First, we had lunch in Sun City at Midge's house. Midge is Jacque (my Dad's wife's Mom). She is a wonderful cook and always sets the table so pretty.

Check out Marcus and Jacque talking about football, Christmas and shopping madness planned for Friday.

On the other couch, Dad and I were laid out watching those Green Bay Packers (with one of my Fantasy football running backs Ryan Grant) beating the Lions.

My love of football comes from my father!

After lunch and a little football, we drove to Lockhart for Thanksgiving dinner with my Mom, sister and her family.

As all good Aunts should, I taught Kyleigh and Cohen how cool Redi-Whip sprayed straight into your mouth is!

I hope everyone had a wonderful turkey day!

1 comment:

  1. I know my sister can't wait for the day that she can teach Travis about the glory of Redi Whip! YUM! You're such a cool aunt. Someday Kyleigh and Cohen will understand... :)
