
November 07, 2007

West Texas for the week

I am spending a coupld of days this week in Abilene with my mom as she has a has a heart stent put in....everything went well, and she is healing fine. But while I am here...I did learn a couple of new things..
1) West Texas really is different. I know I knew this, but I have been in Austin long enough that the little things still make me the religious message as the Dairy Queen...

2) Starbucks internet policy bites. Come on. $9.99 for a day rate on the internet?! I feel less abused when I buy a soda at the movie theatre.

3) I appreciate the mosey. But driving 10 miles under the limit....on streets with traffic lights that are out of sync.....I may need a stent in my heart by the time I leave.

4) Its 2007. Hip Hop is a genre of music that is mainstream. Quit making Akon and T-Pain share radio time with the Tejano station.

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