
December 07, 2007

Early Presents

Tonight Marcus and I went out to dinner to celebrate the end of a hard week. I had an Executive Committee meeting and had to make a myriad of presentations including one on the current status of our internet marketing campaign and explain organic vs. paid Google searches.... all exciting new parts of my job. Marcus had a deal go awry and a bunch of VPs at NI knew his name!

When I got to dinner, Marcus had a Christmas present for me- a 2007 snow globe. I collect Christmas snowglobes and have about 30 of them. This one is super cute, but when I opened it, a leg (bootie as Marcus called it) was missing. He sat a little crooked.

Since I got to open a present, I let Marcus open one to- Mastermind. This is a favorite childhood game of his. We have the classic plastic version from the 80's and now own the deluze wooden edition. When he opened it, the box was broken- check out the exposted wood on the left side.

What is this world coming to? Who is making our toys and why aren't they making them any better?

Side bar: To my KW friends, Mastermind is not anything like a MAPS event. It is actually a fun game where you try to predict what another person is thinking by guessing an order of events. They give you hints if you are close and eventually you run out of guesses and lose. Wait a minute, maybe the two Masterminds are alike? Hmmm....


  1. Yep... they just don't make 'em like they used to!

  2. OH MY sounds just like the MAPS Masterminds to me...eventually you just run out of everything and lose your mind and run away : )
    Too funny!
