
January 01, 2008

Best of Both Worlds- Part Two

After dinner at Trulucks, we went back to the Utley's house to play games and ring in the new year. What makes this the best of both worlds, is that we do it in our pajamas! No more tiht uncomfortable clothes, we get casual for this part.

The gang played lots of Wii- bowling, boxing, tennis, super heroes battling, Kabooki and of course, there was dancing!

Not being such a Wii performer, I enjoyed the new year by looking at the new 2008 Stampin Up catalog that came our on January 1. Kristi brought me a copy. I foresee more stamps in my future!

Here are Marcus and I at about 12:02 AM this morning.

Mo and Jessica lounging!

Carrie and Brian looking festive...

Ben and Kristi (my cousin) joined us for the part two festivities. Ben learned that you can bowl in Wii by sitting down. He was able to bowl better from the chair than standing up. It shot down Marcus' theory that you must includ the right leg behing the left leg finish as you do in real bowling to score.

Thanks again to Rob and Christi for hosting us! We appreciate your hospitality!

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