
January 19, 2008

Fly the Friendly Skies

I flew to Orlando this morning to attend a conference of medical meeting planners. I had a short jaunt to DFW and then a longer flight to Orlando.

Something about flying makes me very spiritual. I don't know if it is the silence that makes me think and subsequently pray, the closeness and prescence of God from above the clouds or the Christian music on my iPod. It might be a combination of all three.

So, as I sat in seat 22F this morning, I prayed and I prayed. And then I cried. I just could not control myself. It was one of those times when I knew God was sitting there in seat 22F with me. I wanted to control myself, but the tears just fell.

I love these moments and wish I had them more often- in private of course! I remember the first time Marcus and I attended Great Hills, our church. The choir sang "Breathe" and I just lost it. I felt Him. I knew Great Hills was the right church for us and that He had brought us there.

I hope that everyone has moments like these and is able to truly feel God in their lives. It is an amazing feeling.

1 comment:

  1. Youre always spiritual...maybe its when youre a little closer that its a stronger connection...;) I also pray a lot while flying...but its usually a little different prayer involving "please dont crash, please dont crash..."
