
January 11, 2008

Patience is a Virtue

The last couple of weeks have been tough on Marcus and I. When you are told you need to see an infertility specialist you can experience so many emotions- you are scared, nervous, anxious, excited. In my mind, you were fertile or infertile- it was a fork in the road and then your path was determined.

We have had some more tests done late last month and again this week and they all represent forks in the infertile road. We will see another specialist next week. That doctor could tell us there is no chance that you will get pregnant with IVF and need to consider other means of having a child or could tell us with one simple surgery or treatment we could be pregnant naturally. It truly is one or the other and the answer may take more time. Until all of this is settled, we can not start the 8-week IVF process.

We are not patient people. Marcus and I both were raised that with hard work and determination you can accomplish anything. We were not taught to relax, be patient and rely on God to provide for us. (I am an event planner for heaven's sake. I have October 2010 planned!) This experience is teaching us that God has a role in the process. It is hard to sit back and wait on the Lord, but I know he has the perfect plan laid out for us and we have to trust in Him to reveal that plan to us.

In the meantime, I ask that you keep us in your prayers. We need strength to keep our heads up, patience to let the Lord guide us and a softened heart to trust His answer and believe in Him.

Marcus and Anna


  1. As the mommy of a miracle child I can say that everything comes in HIS time not your own. However, your struggles will make the outcome all that much sweeter. Rejoice for miracles DO happen…just believe. Prayers for you and Marcus.


  2. XOXO, I wish I had some great words of wisdome for you, it sounds like you know those words, now just believe and have faith. They that wait on the Lord, HE will renew your strength.

  3. It IS hard to be patient and still. And knowing that it is completely out of your hands can really be trying... But know that you are surrounded by people who love you and support you and who are praying for you.

    "Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10.
