
January 22, 2008

Paying for a Baby

For some people, getting pregnant is free. When you are struggling with infertility, getting pregnant is far from free. IVF costs about $13,000 per try. Adoption is around $30,000.

When Marcus and I first saw that number in black and white from Dr. Vaughn we had a meltdown. I don't want to deplete a savings account, max out a credit card or reach into our retirement for IVF. Imagine the added feeling of loss if it did not work.

We have been blessed with the financial means to pay for IVF in ways that we never saw coming! We discovered that Marcus' employer is one of the vast minority that still pay for IVF and related treatments. After our small deductible, they pay 70%! On top of that, we received word of open enrollment shortly after our first appointment with Dr. Vaughn. Luckily, I was on COBRAat the time because of my new job and was able to join his insurance on January 1.

Then, at Christmas we were blessed with a gift of cash for medical treatment. It was such a blessing to have money in savings earmarked when the bills start coming in.

Last week, I received word that my employer is doing some creative medical benefits and I will be reimbursed for up to $2500 in medical bills incurred this year. I had not ever thought this was an option.

Finally, Marcus learned today that he is already booked more than his budget (year ends in July). That means that his monthly commision checks could be huge! We never ever saw this coming. It rarely happens!

I know that God has not blessed me with a baby yet, but he is blessing us with the means to have a baby! I don't want to lose sight of all of the little gifts he is handing us in the process. He continues to prove to us that His plan for us is bigger than we can dream of! We are so grateful for all that he is giving us.


  1. It sounds like many doors are being opened unto you. :)

  2. God is amazing! Keep up the strong faith!! :)

  3. You need to be journaling this offline too...I BELIEVE your journey is not for you alone...but God is going to open more doors than you can imagine...I see a book in your future...KEEP UP THE FAITH!!!!!!!!
    MIMI =^..^=

  4. Thank you so much for all your help in getting me started on blogging!!!! Couldn't have done it without your help from miles away even!!! xoxo!!! It looks like you are having a great time in Flor. YES it is very cold here. Finally winter weather. See you on sunday!
