
January 30, 2008

Update from Today's Appointment

Marcus and I met with the doctor this morning. They confirmed our blood work is normal and the tests they ran last week were fine. So, at this point, we have two options left to keep us a viable case for IVF.

We will be scheduling another appointment for hopefully next month. This one is a little more scary for us. It will be the most telling appointment and should give us some real answers that we can act upon.

I am very grateful that the Lord has given us a strong marriage to endure all of this. I have an amazing husband who is fighting so hard for us to have a child. I couldn't ask for more! I also am so blessed that we have so many friends who have walked the path that we are walking. Some hold children today and some don't have them yet, but I know that we are all together in this.

I am also so happy we are with Texas Fertility Center. They have a whole building of doctors, specialists, sub-specialists, embryologists and more all working together to help us and people like us have children. They speak regularly about our cases and review our files together. It feels so much better than thinking about our information faxing across town after every appointment.

We'll keep you posted as we learn more next month!

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