
February 12, 2008

All About Eggs!

Sunday Marcus and I started a book club to study the book Love and Respect with other couples from our church. The book is about how to enrich your marriage based upon Ephesians 5:33 which states that men are to love their wives and women are to respect their husbands. I think showing respect is a very difficult task, so I was excited to participate in this study.

Anyway, the author Emerson Eggerichs (egg theme #1) discusses a long standing annoyance he had where he thought his wife was disrespecting him. She always peppered his eggs. He didn't like pepper on his eggs (egg theme #2), but she thought they were better that way, so she peppered them.

As part of the discussion on when the issue isn't the issue, Marcus and I talked about the first fight we can remember happening. We were in college and decided to make breakfast for dinner one night. We discovered that our Moms made breakfast differently and we both thought eggs (theme #3), toast, and bacon could only be cooked the way our Mothers had done it. The issue was not the eggs, it was more about doing things the way our families did them.

To round out the egg theme, we joined 2 other couples after book club for dinner at IHOP. I just had to have eggs (#4) and made sure to pepper them up nicely!

If you have not ever seen the book, I highly recommend reading it. We are just two chapters in, but I know that it will open up great discussions for improving any marriage.

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