
February 11, 2008

Better than an Oscar...

Our friend Meg, President of the Beach Zoo, has bestowed upon us the E for Excellent Award and the Bodacious Blog award. As CEO of Journey with the Jenks, I am honored to accept this award on behalf of the wonderful friends and family that smile for our photos, give us blogworthy moments and leave love notes on our blog. I also would like to thank Meg for guiding me along the world of blogging- I've learned so much from you. Meg does the best job of sharing Travis' every moment at the zoo. We did dinner together when I was in Dallas more than a year ago and although I had never met Travis or her husband Matt, I knew them so well. I love reading her blog and watching her family grow up.

As the winner of these prestigous awards, I am excited to move them onward and bestow them upon 2 of my favorite blogging friends- Kristi and Erica.

I award Kristi the E for Excellent award as she has found a unique way to share her family and her faith on her blog. I am so proud of you for letting everyone who reads you blog know who you are and Who you stand for.

And Erica's blog is hereby proclaimed a Bodacious Blog. Erica is super creative and has made her blog so fashionable. Everything matches down to the html code for the colors. To top it off, she gives me free advice to help make my blog fashionable. We were blog friends long before we met each other! She is even bodacious in person!

Congrats to you both! I love reading your blogs! And, big thanks to Meg for making me an award winner!


  1. Whooohoo! How awesome is that!? I'll post my new award first thing in the morning!

  2. ahhh, thanks!! I enjoy your blog each day too!!
