
February 09, 2008

Getting the House Ready

Before we officially list our house, Marcus and I had some work to do and we got started this weekend. Every good home improvement project starts with a trip to Home Depot! We picked up some flowers, mulch, potting soil and a new wheel barrow.

Marcus spent the entire day mulch the front and back flower beds! In all, it took 26 bags to cover all of the beds. It is amazing how mulch can define a space and make it seem more purposeful.

I spent the day undecorating our house and patching and painting holes from my undecorating. I also bought some new items for the back patio that Marcus had stained. For a short second, it made we want to sit outside and enjot the view. Then, I was back to work!


  1. With all of that sprucing up... you may decide to stay! :)

  2. Your yard looks great! It seems each time we've prepped a house to put on the market, we've loved the final result more than the way it had been the whole time we lived there! Argh. I hope your house sells FAST! :)
