
February 21, 2008


So as I lay here at 3am, in the post Hydrocodone glow...I have a little spare time to think...and have had a minor epiphany to the state of being.

You see, I was thinking about how in some spiritual sects, the center of ones self, is the core....the true middle of the body...which is placed right below the navel. It is around this area now....that I have some frozen peas. You see. I have been focused to my core, and therefore reflective of myself, and my center because of these peas. I must in focused on that area and state of mind. That is...I must be in awareness of my pea like awareness, or if you will, my pea-ness.

You see, right now, I have to be focused on preserving my pea-ness from harm. It is in a fragile state now, easily harmed, easily fractured or shattered if you will. Every move, step, and action I am self aware to protect that stay focused on my pea-ness and that area. We take our most basic of activity for granted. But now, I must focus on the well being of my pea-ness in order to ensure a safe, and easy recovery.

Not every one can have a pea-ness. Obviously, you need peas in your core or center area. But I believe that this experience has led me to respect my pea-ness. I think that even after this, I will be trying to live very aware of my core. I want to retain adoration for my pea-ness, and never take it for granted.

So what I believe I am trying to say is, a computer at 3am with pain pills, is an interesting combination.


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