
February 06, 2008

Time for the Fish Combo!

It is that time of year again- time for every restaurant to pull out their best fish combo to compete on who has fresher fish, a more creative dish using fish and the ever popular super cheap fish sandwich. I don't eat fish at all and I surely don't think 99 cent fish is appetizing.

However, with "fish season" comes lent! So, as a good practicing Baptist girl it is time for my annual sacrifice. For the past few years I have given up buying shoes or even looking at Zappos; Marcus has given up cussing or pledged to eat healthier and work out. This year since Marcus and I have so many big decisions and life changing siutations happening in the next 40 days, we decided to spend lent giving in and not giving up.

We are both committed to spending time every day in prayer, scripture and quiet time- giving our time to the Lord and asking Him to really bless us and guide us through the process of infertility and selling/buying a home. I have the hardest time stopping everything daily and just studying the word or reading books with spiritual enhancement. I am hoping that together we can really make this a habit starting with 40 days!

I'd love to know if you are giving anything up or committing to anything this year.

1 comment:

  1. Chocolate. I'm giving up chocolate (in all forms, including Starbucks Mochas) for Lent. Somewhat tough on a 3rd trimester chick! :)
