
March 30, 2008

Best Birthday Present

I am so proud of my ovaries- they did it! At my appointment yesterday, Dr. Vaughn confirmed I have 6 eggs that are the right size for IVF. Yea! Frr reference, 4 is necessary, 6 is great!

My retrieval procedure is scheduled for Monday morning at 5:30AM. It will only take 5-10 minutes and I will be "out" for the actual process. Marcus and I are elated- we are closer than we have ever been; however, we do still have concerns we would ask that you pray with us.

1. Please let the procedure go smoothly. I have never been "out" before.

2. While I am going through the procedure, the embryologists will be working on Marcus' frozen friends. Pray that they survive the big thaw and are able to participate in the IVF process.

3. Pray that we are given guidance about the big decisions that will come before us this week.

I will be home resting on Monday and then back to work on Tuesday. The transfer, which places the embryos back in me, will happen on Thursday or Saturday depending upon how quickly they mature. A pregnancy test would occur in mid-April.

We are so very blessed to me this far and thank you all for loving us through it!

Marcus and Anna


  1. wow, that is so great! We will be praying like crazy!

  2. This is one of the only good reasons to get up before 5:00am!!!

    Tons of prayers!!!

  3. Yeah, Anna and Marcus, we are sooo happy for ya! Yes, we will be praying like crazy, also!
