
March 08, 2008

moving...and favorite things...

And this is a Marcus smell the sarcasm there.

Actually, I am getting excited about moving to the new house. This house on Montoro has served us well...but its just time to move to a new place.

Anyway...the moving process has begun. Time to throw everything in boxes.

Jean Grey : "Forget you and your moving...if you need me, I'll be on the bed for about 14 hours".
Unbeknownst to me, moving to a new house requires a lot of new stuff. I thought we had stuff...but turns out we neededto shop for a bunch of new stuff.

And where do you go for a warehouse full of stuff? Ikea.

I was breaking my streak Ikea shopping in like, 4 years I believe. It was nice. But turns out, there was some great stuff there at Ikea. For instance, the Malm was great...looked really classy. Of course, you need a new Slorven when you get a Malm...duh!

We also saw the Orgen, and Flagen, and the Benno system. We debated the Ektorp..but we could not find a comfortable one. I feel bad though...I think I broke a Hedda...."Clean up on isle slobenheit!"

While we didnt get a Galant system while we were there, or a Knodd...we think that we may come back at a later time to get them...they looked pretty neat.

Anyway, we were there at closing, so we had to get out...we had to ask for directions to get out, and they said go to the Kurbas, and turn left, and we were there....but we went to the Kelvas, and turned left, and ended up back at the Arbnras. Crazy.

Ikea. Better living through crazy Swedish names.


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