
April 28, 2008

Backyard BBQ

We invited over some friends on Saturday afternoon to break in the new house. It was a great day to sit in the backyard with a burger and our good friends.

Since our new house has a gas grill hook up and our propane pit couldn't convert safely, a new gas grill was purchased. Lowe's is running some great sales on grills to get you ready for summer.

Here is Marcus' team from work enjoying the cool air inside and the NASCAR race and NFL draft.

The cat did NOT like 40 people at her house. She was hiding all day. Finally, she snuck out to use her litter box and then was trapped by Blythe, Conner and David. She broke free shortly after we snapped her picture. If you know Jean Grey, you'll be relieved to know that no children were harmed on Saturday. :)

This is Marcus and Kiersten. He spent some time feeding and entertaining a 3 month old. It looked pretty easy! We laughed because there were 12 kids at the party under the age of 6. 10 of those 12 were girls! Goodness!

1 comment:

  1. We had such a great time with ya'll in your new home. Thank you for the delicious hamburgers and all the fixens.
