
April 23, 2008

Fun with Fondue

Last night we had a girls night at my house with our church group. Everyone brought something to dip into the super easy fondue recipe that Lauren found for me.
Easy Fondue
1 part preium chocolate chips (I used 10 oz. Ghiradelli Bittersweet chocolate)
1 part whipping cream (not the heavy)
Mix and melt.
Not only did the dip everything under the sun in chocolate, including a potato chip Heather!, but we got to scrapbook and make fun cards with the collection of scraps I have. It was fun to entertain in the new house- as expected, everyone stood around the kitchen most of the night. What is it about a kitchen- we had big comfy couchs and chairs in sight and we stood on hard tile all night?

1 comment:

  1. I wish I had a bunch of "girlfriends" that liked to do stuff like that! Maybe I just need to move to Round Rock!
