
April 01, 2008

Marcus and Anna plus Six?!?

I just spoke to my doctors and of the 7 eggs they retrieved yesterday, 6 of them fertilized! That is a great number to start with and a great number to fertilize! We have options!

To get them to fertilize, they performed a procedures called ICSI. I am so grateful for all of your prayers, for my courageous husband and for the wonderful doctors and staff that are literally making our dreams come true!

Tomorrow I start 6 pills per day and the big mean progesterone shots. Keep Marcus and I in your prayers as these shots are the dreaded ones he must administer into my muscle. I have read lots of information about them online and they are said to really hurt. I'll let you know tomorrow.

Everything looks to be on track for the transfer to happen (with pictures of our embryos!) on Thursday. I'll get another fertilization report on Thursday morning and we'll know what the doctor recommends we implant. Please continue to pray for a single child! :)



  1. Ya'll have been through so much and you have been in our prayers since all of this began! Be strong about the shots! Just remind yourself that they are helping you to create "A" baby in you!!!! We love you so much and look forward to good reports!!!!!! You deserve so much happiness!

  2. Love Prayers and hugs X6...This too shall pass and on with being preggie Lots of Love =^..^=

  3. I too got to experience the joys of doses of progesterone before my little one came to be. Just keep in mind that the shots will be quickly forgotten and are but a second in time over the lifetime of joy you will experience with your child.

  4. Isn't it wonderful to see GOd answer prayers right in front of you!? Be strong through the rest of this process ... and remember GOd is there with you, holding your hand!! :)
