
April 03, 2008

Shot Report

All good- your prayers are working. I had my first progesterone shot last night and it was not nearly as bad as I had imagined it would be. I was all prepared with a big pillow to squeeze and muffle my yell, but none of it was needed. It really just felt like when you give blood. The IV for the retrieval was much worse that the progesterone! Afterward, we walked to the mailbox as instructed and I have no pain, knot or soreness this morning.

Here is my schedule for the day:

9:45- Eat a big breakfast, take 2 pills, drink a full glass of water

10:15- Arrive at Austin IVF, take a Valium and a full glass of water, hear report card on embryos, decide which to inject, drnk lots of water to fill up bladder

11:15- Transfer procedure is done. It is said to be painless, quick and easy. I'll get pictures!

12:15- Allowed to leave Austin IVF.

12:30- Pick up lunch on the way home, take 1 pill

1:00- Begin home confinement. I plan to watch my movies, scrapbook and shop online!

5:00- Eat dinner, take 2 pills

6:00- Progesterone shot

9:00- Have nuts and cheese for snack, take 1 pill

It is going to be a great day!


  1. I am thrilled beyond word to think of what the next few weeks are going to hold for you!!!!!!! Think lots of happy thoughts today and pray for God to make a beautiful Jenkins baby!!!!!!!!!

  2. It's 1:00pm. I hope you are watching a very girly movie at this moment. Only a little more time now to wait.

  3. Might consider a little napping in there...that will be a luxury too
    PRAYERS & HUGS 2 ya...
    MiMi =^..^=

  4. what did u think of knocked up?
