
May 17, 2008

Welcome Black Betty Jenks

Marcus doesn't normally like change, but the Escape (Betty Ford) was in need of a new home. We had her for 6 years- I drove her for the first 2 years and then Marcus took her over. She was loosing her professionalism for his job and he was ready to drive a big truck again.

When Marcus mentioned this to his co-worker this week, he offered to buy Betty for his daughter who just turned 16. They showed Betty to Mary who exclaimed her to be "cute" and a deal was made. Marcus is still slightly concerned he drove a "cute" car all this time.

With cash in hand, we spent Saturday at the dealership.

Marcus had researched trucks online and knew what he wanted- a Ford F150 FX2. Maxwell Ford had a nice black one on the lot and Marcus was sold. We got a great deal, seems nobody wants to drive a truck these days? I wonder why? (Joking!) Lucky for us, Marcus' gas is paid for by his employer, so we don't have the gas concerns of most.

Warning- you'll hear Black Betty before you see her. The previous owner added a Flowmaster exhaust system which translates to two big loud mufflers on the back. Happy new truck Mr. Jenk!

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