
May 15, 2008

What Cha Reading?

As with most new and excited pregnant women, I immediately got "What To Expect When you are Expecting" and a baby stuff buying guide within days of discovering I was pregnant.

Once we found out it was twins, I searched Amazon for the #1 book on multiples. I wanted to make sure I was getting enough nutrients and knew what to expect with a multiple birth and how it differed from a "singleton".

I am about 1/4 of the way through this book by Dr. Luke and it has opened my eyes to how very different having twins (or more!) can be. Dr. Luke has run a clinic for moms of multiples for many years. Her strategies have proven to result in higher birth weights, longer pregnancies and overall healthier babies. On average, twins are born at 36 weeks. The goal is to keep them as long as possible so that they go home with us and not afterward!

Last night I was reading about diet and nutrition and I am in trouble! Since finding out I was pregnant, I have lost 6 pounds. I thought it was a good thing since I was overweight to begin with and because it was a result of eating healthier not from a crazy diet. Dr. Luke advocates gaining the most weight in the first 20 weeks when your stomach has more room. That will give the body a reservoir to pull from later and will give the babies sustenance to get them started. She recommends I gain 25 pounds by week 20- that is just 12 weeks away.

Here is the kicker- she recommends 3500 calories per day! Wow! She recommends a high protein, high carb and high fat diet. I am reading more each night and will be headed to the grocery store this weekend. It is outside of my natural thinking of a pregnant diet for sure.

I'll let you know what comes up on my daily menu and how I can balance low sodium into this whole mix..... I'm thinking Hungryman dinners are out!


  1. Check with your dr. about protein shakes. While they are not the most YUMMY thing to drink, they may help you pack on the pounds! ;)

  2. Don't fret about the weight loss. I lost 40 pounds the entire time I was pregnant didn't gain an once and the baby (single) was fine. The doctor just said I was eating healthier than before and the nutrients were going straight to the baby and I was living off the stock pile I had.

  3. I want you to follow up with your doctor too before you radically change your diet!! You do not personally know this doctor and as it might be the #1 book on Amazon, she may not be the be-all, know-all dr. YOur dr. knows you and will be able to diagnos your personal pregnancy!! I stopped reading all prego books b/c they were not tailored to my pregnancy & they stressed me out as to why my pregnancy was not like it was in the book. And even Bella was night and day different from LE. I could go on and on, but just know I LOVE you and I want whats best for you and those little babies!! I will TRY not to be that know-it-all friend who corrects you!!

  4. I think this calls for some yummy guacamole -- avocados have GOOD fat in them! :) Hope you're feeling better soon.
