
June 06, 2008

Carpal Tunnel

With all of the pregnant women around me, I was pretty sure I had heard it all. So, you can imagine my shock when at my appointment yesterday Dr. Neyman told me that my hands were falling asleep while I slept because of carpal tunnel syndrome which is common among pregant women. I had no idea!

Let me tell you, I now sport two super sexy wrist braces at night when I sleep! Apparently, the nerve that causes CTS is more likely to be affected during pregnancy because of it's relationship with other nerves, water retention and increased blood flow. It is so common that her office sells braces.

Let's hope I keep the braces on at night only and don't need them during the day time. Yikes!

Everything else with my appointment was natural and normal. The baby's heartbeat was super strong (160-170 on the dopplar), my lack of weight gain is good, and my iron count was high. Since iron in my PNV makes me sick I want to avoid anemia at all costs.

I go to the doctor again next week for a sonogram and blood work to test the baby for a multitude of genetic disorders and to see how Twin B is dissolving. I can't wait to see the baby's growth and to make sure Twin B is progressing as expected.


  1. i see dr. gilbert who is in the same group! my dr. called on tuesday to tell me i am anemic! not fun! and iron is not my friend either.

  2. do you have shoes to match, just in case?

  3. I had never heard of this. And I thought I had just about every issue during my pregnancy. I am sure your braces are lovely.
