
June 13, 2008

Favorite New Blogs

I should be working on budgets, but oh how catching up on blogs entices me! I have two new favorite blogs to read and I wanted to share it with everyone- check out Blue Yonder and Bring the Rain.

I found Blue Yonder from my cousin Kristi. We are VERY alike in our tastes so I read about her bloggy friend and love her! She is by far the most creative mother I have ever come across. For example, she home schools her children and to make letters interesting instead of writing them on paper, they finger trace them in vanilla coffee creamer. How smart is she! She also gives great pictures of pies and does a wonderful job of story telling and taking interesting photos of her children. Check out her chicken, uh I mean rooster, problems!

I discovered Bring the Rain through a random celebrity page. It is written by Angie Smith who is the wife of Selah band member Todd Smith. She recently lost a child and writes about the experience and her faith with such honesty and emotion. Just reading her blog makes me a better Christian. Warning, you may laugh and cry at the same time when you read her blog, but it is all worth it. She recently challenged her daughters to donate some toys to charity and they challenged her to give her favorite Coach purse (named Coco) to charity. A funny story ensued!

I hope you all find these blogs as interesting as I. Now, on to budgets!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't Stephanie great! She is so sweet too and her kids are dolls! James was in my kinder class. I'm glad you found her.
