
June 09, 2008

May I take your order?

Ahh...the Steak and Shake. Their motto says, "may I take your order?" and we decided to go see our only S&S that is in the Austin area.
What an experience......WHAT an experience. We went there with our friends Mo and Jess, and it was like watching a car wreck.....we couldnt turn away.
Rather than give a chronology of what went wrong...I would like to just sum up with some recommendations to fix what was wrong.
* Clean tables.....its a minor thing, but after a really adds up.
* Seat customers. The entrance to your little resturant is very small. After the first 20 people, we are really stacked up in the doorway.
* MOVE. standing around instead of taking, orders, deliverying food, etc. Doesn't make them go away. IT MAKES THEM ANGRY (at least the people, not the food. Food gets cold.)
* Get some one competent at the register. Not the manager.
*Get a new manager.
*Clean tables. Need to point that one out again.
*encourage employees to iron their shirts.
The wait staff looked like something out of the movie "Waiting". So I didn't want to tick the staff off for fear of the spit content of my food.
Anyway....I think it will be a while before we return. As Anna pointed out, the manager was previously at Einstein bros. After successfully driving that place to the ground, he has expanded his expertise to the one and only S&S in Austin.
The food was really good...but if you go, bring a book and a snack to wait.

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