
June 06, 2008

Summer Vacation Booked

Marcus and I decided we needed to take one more adult only vacation before the baby arrives. I am going to Denver in August for 10 days so we added a couple of days onto the trip to celebrate our 9th Anniversary in Colorado Springs.

I went there as a child and look forward to going back. We are thinking the Garden of the Gods, Air Force Academy, a nearby casino and one night in Denver to eat at a yummy Mexican food restaurant my KW friend Dawn and I enjoyed. I wonder if that street vendor will still have the orange "Prada" purse I let get away!

It should be nice to enjoy the cooler weather and escape the Texas heat for 2 weeks in August. If anyone has been to Colorado Springs recently, please send me suggestions. I like to eat well and shop much on vacation!

1 comment:

  1. I was just talking about LIME last night! Too funny! I hope the purse is still there :)

