
June 15, 2008

Update on Baby Will

When I saw my Goddess Girl Billye a few weeks ago I asked about our superstar Will, who was born with hand and feet differences and inspired our GG marathon race in December.

She put me back in touch with his family and they sent me access to his blog. I wanted to share a recent photo with him as I know many of you were touched by his story and sent prayers up on his behalf.

He is now 9 months old and is already accomplishing great things physically. The many photos Katie posts shows that he is a fun baby- he smiles, laughs, and is well loved. He has had some surgeries and attends physical and occupational therapy to give him the tools to do everyday things differently. They seem to all be doing their job. What an inspriation to us all!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad to hear that he is doing well. He is a beautiful little boy and while he doesn't have the "normal" use of his hands and feet, he seems to be otherwise very healthy and that is fabulous! I feel the need to say that he has the most beautiful eyes! Thanks for the update on him. I was wondering how he was doing.
