
July 23, 2008

Fill Your Freezer Night

Last night the ladies at my church met up at the church kitchen to prepare some frozen meals to make dinner time easier in the coming weeks. Our friend Jenny, with the help of Christi, organized the night by prepping the food, grocery shopping, choosing recipes, etc.

Lauren, Melanie and Christi are making lasagna!

Heather and Natalie were chatting over herb crusted pork chops and bacon cheeseburgers. A big thanks to Heather for crusting my chops for me- I hate touching raw meat! I think I promised her a player in fantasy football.

One of the benefits of the evening is dinner for all of the pregnant women in our class. These meals will be great to deliver to new Moms and Dads.

Four of us pregnant girls were participating in the assembly-

R to L: Jenny (boy in September), Natalie (surprise in October), Alice (boy in November), and me.


  1. This is soooo neat! So when is the big day that you find out what you having!?

  2. Get out....I totally planned on being at this event. My brother-in-law and his family have been here and I guess I forgot about it. Bummer, since I'm not a great cook, I was looking forward to trying something new. Next time. Looks like you gals had fun. :)

  3. I had such a great time hang'n out with everyone last night! Great pics. and very cute girl clothes!!!
