
July 05, 2008

OB Appointment: 16 Weeks

Thursday afternoon we had our 15/16 week appointment. We heard a strong (155) heartbeat and were told that everything was nicely in place. We also discussed a couple of issues with her- since my vitamins are making me sick again I was given a new prescription, I was told not to lift more than 15 pounds at my upcoming convention, and my nausea is either indigestion or a gag reflux brought on my pregnancy. It is hard to describe, but I feel like I am full all of the time, especially my throat. It isn't like I have a lump in my throat, just that it is partially closed. It leads to lots of burping and the fear of puking.

On a positive note, I have not gained any weight! Yea! We also scheduled the big 20 week appointment and sonogram. We will know the health of our baby in great detail and the sex of our baby (hopefully) on August 11th. That is a lucky day- 8/11/8 is good luck in Mexican culture, 11 is my lucky number, and our friend Johnna is scheduled to deliver a baby girl named Anna on the same day at the same hospital. It will be week 21 for us and my first day back from Colorado. I'm excited to start the day with such a monumental appointment and will share the news with all that morning!

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