
July 05, 2008

Oh The Fireworks We Saw!

Marcus' coworkers are big fans of the 4th of July and invited us to celebrate with them. Here is Ed, showing us how he throws a washer like a Frisbee.

We started the afternoon off at Ed's house. It was a casual time of swimming, BBQ and our handy portable washers. We taught a few others how to play and the fun ensued. I hit a couple of ringers and worked on perfecting the bounce onto the platform as learned 2 weeks ago.

To avoid the "situation" that happened a few weeks ago at my family reunion, I sat in the shade most of the afternoon and drank lots of water. I also made sure to eat regularly- handfuls of grapes seemed to do the trick. As you can see in the picture, I don't have a big round baby belly yet, but I have a lot more gerth up high.

The heat still managed to give me a headache, so we left around 7:30 so that I could cool off and rest before the 2nd party.

After a little rest, we drove over to John's house, Marcus' boss, for his annual fireworks show. John can talk a big game and I was excited to see if he could back up all this talk about him buying lots of fireworks. Holy Moly, he did.

His neighbor also likes fireworks, so we had a little competition going between John and his neighbor. Being competitive, John had already scoped out the competition and knew what they had. He allowed his neighbor to get started first by prompting him with the free fireworks John was given for such a major purchase. Once the neighbor had his grand finale, which would have put anyone else to shame, John got started. HIS SHOW STARTED BEFORE AND OUTLASTED THE CITY OF LEANDER WHICH WE COULD SEE A FEW MILES AWAY! I am not kidding.

It was unreal to sit directly below such amazing fireworks. The sky would light up to the point that you could clearly see the person sitting next to you. I have seen professional shows in Austin, Lubbock, Chicago and at a Round Rock Express game and nothing compared. There were fireworks I have never seen before. We could see the fire as it took off the ground and then hear the boom as it exploded. Unreal! We have a new home for fireworks shows! The 2008 round goes to John.

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