
August 22, 2008

Am I Crazy?

The thought of a thin well worn hospital gown creeps me out. You can see right threw them and the hospital name is often haphazardly stamped on them.

I found a site that sells hospital gowns made of pretty fabrics and ribbons and I think I need one of them. It seems like it will cover things a little better and look much prettier in photos.

I ran this idea by a couple of girlfriends who told me I was crazy- the gown will likely be nasty and I will appreciate handing it over to the hospital staff to wash.

So, I want your thoughts. Is this a complete waste or will I appreciate later when I look back?


  1. I know you have fabulous style and panache, but I think this would be an extreme waste of funds. If they cost around $10, I'd say go for it, but your hospital gown is going to get **really nasty** and I don't think you'll look back at your photos and think, "Gee, that blue hospital gown just isn't my style." I think you'll look back and say, "Isn't our little girl adorable?!?!" :) If, heaven forbid, you have to stay at the hospital for a few weeks before she's born, I might consider buying one to lift your spirits, but otherwise, no.

  2. I am in the "make everything" mood! Make your own! You could pick the material, etc.!!

  3. My OBGYN actually told me not to take ANYTHING with me to the hospital. Not even my own toothbrush! He said whatever I needed the hospital would supply, and he said "childbirth is messy." I thought he was totally crazy until I had this kid. It really is a nasty mess but you get a really beautiful baby out of the deal!! Wear their fact stick a few pair of the mesh underpants they provide your bag before you leave!!!!

  4. Oh, TOTALLY take as many of those mesh panties as you can get your hands on!! They'll quickly replace your pretty panties as your favorites in those weeks post-delivery. :)

  5. Anna, Anna, Anna... You make me laugh sometimes.

    First of all, if you have 1/2 the labor I had with Elisan, you will not CARE about what you are wearing. You will only be concerned about getting that baby out of your body. And, again, if you have 1/2 the labor as I had with my first, the pictures? They suck. Because you are so overwhelmingly exhausted that it will take everything you have to hold the baby, much less smile. :)

    Ooops, I probably just scared you... Did I scare you?

  6. IF you want everyone focused on your gown instead of the cutie patooty you just struggled into the a gown.
    IF you want everyone focused on the cutie patooty or perhaps your lovely auburn locks...SKIP the gown...
    Accentuate the positive..
    Just my ancient opinion...MIMI

  7. I wore the hospital gown during labor. Immediatly after labor I changed into a different gown. My precious mom made me a couple of nursing gowns that I wore during our stay in the hospital. And looking back, just having the first pictures of the baby is breath taking. I tear up everytime I look back at pics. I loved my pregnancies and labor, you know me "all natural"! Do what makes you most comfortable!

  8. After just having a baby i can say i totally didn't care about the gown; i don't even remember what it looked like! The next morning they let me get in my own clothes which was wonderful, just make sure to bring something loose and comfy (and easy to get on and off!) While i wouldn't spend much on it if you can get or make one for cheap and it will make you more comfortable go for. Do whatever makes you happy and more at ease! -Marissa

  9. Don't spend almost $100 on the pretty gown!! If you can make one for cheap, do it. But, once you are in labor, you're really not going to care what you're wearing. You are going to look disheveled/tired/awful in the pictures anyway. And, you're not going to want to have to wash your own personal gown after it's over!!! However, I do highly recommend bringing some comfortable loose fitting clothes for afterwards.
    P.S. As far as them being somewhat transparent, you will have lost all sense of modesty by the time you push that baby out. . .

  10. I would pass on the gown. My gown was actually a very comfy (to the best that I recall) jersey fabric. You dont really think about the fact that others have worn it. If you focus to much on that then you might want to replace the sheets too. And I'm sure that can't happen. At that point in your pregnancy you are just ready to see her little baby face. I also agree with the mesh panty comment. Take those and any cans of antiseptic spray or hospital binkies that you see lying around.


  11. fie on everybody else!!! you ain't crazy. hospital gowns creeped me out too. i had planned on wearing my own stuff and i had to fight them when i got there. make sure it's in your birth plan and that marcus is on the same page...michael had to fight the nurses for me when i was in the middle of contractions. i HATE hospitals and was really bummed that I couldn't have a home birth, and i was determined to be as comfy as possible. i don't think hospital gowns convey comfy at all! i wore a knit swimsuit coverup dress in black from old navy and it was fabulous. it was soft, it was comfy, and the part over my boobs came away enough so i could breastfeed. if your mom makes one, have her make it in black so it hides the blood and fluids that will inevitably stain it! she could even trim it in pretty black lace or something like that. i was bedridden for two days at the hospital because my BP shot up to 200/100, and i couldn't change, so on that note, make sure that whatever gown you do wear, if you have to wear it a couple of days, it won't show lots of muck. i even still wear it around the house occasionally! you will definitely want the mesh undies though. i thought i didn't, but i did it anyway and was soooo glad! this may sound silly, but i truly think wearing your own clothes and gown will actually help your labor along too...our birthing coach actually recommended it (we did bradley method with chan mcdermott. i highly recommend it over lamaze) and said that the more comfortable, calm and relaxed you are, the better and possibly faster your labor will be. i know it helped me! (9 pounder in 8 hours and 9 pushes!) good luck--kelly

  12. Ok, so I'm way behind on reading your blog, but I just had to respond to this one. I LOVE the idea, and say go for it! I had cute red satin pj's with my victoria secret fluffy slippers. :) This being said, I had a c-section, so I did care what I looked like. Obviously I'm your vein friend! :)
