
August 17, 2008

Babies R Us

Meet Elizabeth Eleanor, she was born on Thursday. Her mother Kathy and I have done many a bible/book study together. Elizabeth was greeted by a loving family including two excited big sisters Alexis and Kayla. She looks forward to a life of love, baby dolls and lots of matching outfits with her sisters.

A few months ago I mentioned that I knew 15 pregnant women and after this week, I know a lot less. I do however, know a lot of cute new babies.

Welcome Aiden, Anna, Elizabeth, Ivan and Asher. All of these kiddos were born this past week to my girlfriends. Starting names with vowels was popular this week!

Congrats to all!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to all of our friends babies. We are in the home stretch now! The fianl three!!!!! I like the new wallpaper on the blog!
